What are the types of personality? There are many models of personality types that attempt to explain why we are the way we are. Keep reading to learn more about the four main personality types and how they correspond to the personality types from popular models, including Myers-Briggs, 16Personalities and the Big 5.
Type A, B, C, and D Personalities
In 1976, cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman discovered that their patients wore out the seats and arms of their waiting room chairs more quickly than patients in other departments. This led to their discovery of the two main personality types: the Type A personality, who is more likely to have heart problems due to stress, and Type B personality, who is more laid-back and less likely to have cardiac issues.
Over the years, this model has been expanded to include Type C personality (perfectionist, detail-oriented) and Type D personality (emotional, security-seeking). Take a look at the personality traits of each personality type to see which one fits you the best.
The Type A personality is known as The Director, The OverAcheiver or The Go-Getter. This person is a natural leader and wants to be in control as much as possible. Type A personalities can range from goal-oriented achievers to obsessive workaholics, depending on how they use their talents.
Type A personalities are motivated by challenges, success, winning, and money. The Type A personality is most satisfied when they have direction over a project and can see their vision come to life. However, Type A personalities are the most likely people to become overstressed, and often choose professions that are highly stressful.
Common Type A personality traits include:
1. ambitious
2. competitive
3. motivated
4. natural leader
5. passionate
6. stubborn
Type B personalities are the opposite of Type A personalities. This personality is known as The Socializer or The Peacemaker and is known for their outgoing attitudes and strong relationships. They are enjoyable to be around in positive situations, but can verge on being needy due to their desire to be loved and to have others approve of them.
Type B personalities are motivated by compliments and recognition. They are happy to let Type A personalities be the leaders and have their way — but they need to be acknowledged and respected emotionally. A "thank you" goes a long way with a Type B personality. Type B personalities tolerate and welcome change more than any other personality type.
Type B personalities typically have the following traits:
7. accepting
8. casual
9. charismatic
10. easygoing
11. relaxed
12. social
Type C personalities are similar to Type A personalities in their focus on details, accuracy and control. However, the Type C personality is known as The Thinker, The Analyst or The Scientist, and is much more introverted than a typical Type A personality. Type C personalities use logic and rationality to make sense of the world. They can also become easily overwhelmed and prefer to focus on what they can control.
Type C personalities prefer not to work on team projects at all; they'd rather do their work independently. They are motivated by intriguing challenges and getting their work exactly right and don't necessarily need the credit for doing a good job. They make decisions based on objective facts and gather lots of evidence, so if you're questioning a Type C personality, they're ready to prove you wrong!
Some common Type C personality traits include:
13. critical thinker
14. dependable
15. detail-oriented
16. focused
17. objective
18. logical
Type D personalities are in touch with their emotions, similar to type B. However, the "D" in Type D is often labeled "distressed," since Type D personalities can have a hard time feeling optimistic. The Type D personality, known as The Supporter or The Philosopher, is sensitive and enigmatic. They experience joy and happiness more intensely than others, but can become more easily anxious and depressed as well.
Type D personalities like their world to be stable. Unlike a Type B personality, those with Type D personalities don't enjoy change. They would rather work at the same job throughout their career and avoid challenges then start a new, unknown profession. Type D personalities fear rejection and can overthink situations easily. However, Type D personalities can be supportive and sincere friends to their loved ones.
Type D personalities can have the following personality traits:
19. compassionate
20. existential
21. insightful
22. observant
23. sensitive
24. supportive
To get a better sense of all of your personality traits, here is a list of positive personality traits.
Ask yourself, which of these tend to describe you the best?
25. Accessible
26. Accurate
27. Active
28. Adaptable
29. Admirable
30. Adventurous
31. Agreeable
32. Alert
33. Ambitious
34. Amiable
35. Amusing
36. Appreciative
37. Articulate
38. Artistic
39. Assertive
40. Athletic
41. Attentive
42. Attractive
43. Balanced
44. Benevolent
45. Big-thinking
46. Bold
47. Breezy
48. Brilliant
49. Calm
50. Capable
51. Captivating
52. Caring
53. Casual
54. Cautious
55. Charismatic
56. Charming
57. Cheerful
58. Clean
59. Clear-headed
60. Clever
61. Colorful
62. Compassionate
63. Complex
64. Confident
65. Conscientious
66. Conservative
67. Considerate
68. Consistent
69. Constant
70. Constructive
71. Contemplative
72. Convincing
73. Cooperative
74. Courageous
75. Courteous
76. Crafty
77. Creative
78. Cultured
79. Curious
80. Cute
81. Daring
82. Decent
83. Decisive
84. Dedicated
85. Deep
86. Delicate
87. Dependable
88. Determined
89. Dignified
90. Directed
91. Disciplined
92. Discreet
93. Dutiful
94. Dynamic
95. Earnest
96. Easygoing
97. Educated
98. Efficient
99. Elegant
100. Eloquent
101. Empathetic
102. Energetic
103. Enthusiastic
104. Ethical
105. Exciting
106. Expedient
107. Experimental
108. Extraordinary
109. Extravagant
110. Fair
111. Faithful
112. Farsighted
113. Fashionable
114. Fiery
115. Flamboyant
116. Flexible
117. Focused
118. Folksy
119. Forgiving
120. Forthright
121. Frank
122. Freethinking
123. Friendly
124. Fun-loving
125. Generous
126. Gentle
127. Genuine
128. Glamorous
129. Good-natured
130. Gracious
131. Grateful
132. Hardworking
133. Healthy
134. Helpful
135. Heroic
136. Honest
137. Honorable
138. Humble
139. Humorous
140. Hypnotic
141. Idealistic
142. Imaginative
143. Impressive
144. Incisive
145. Independent
146. Individualistic
147. Innovative
148. Insightful
149. Intelligent
150. Intense
151. Interesting
152. Intuitive
153. Inventive
154. Kind
155. Knowledgeable
156. Likable
157. Logical
158. Loquacious
159. Lovable
160. Loyal
161. Lyrical
162. Mature
163. Mellow
164. Methodical
165. Moderate
166. Modern
167. Modest
168. Neat
169. Objective
170. Open
171. Optimistic
172. Orderly
173. Organized
174. Original
175. Passionate
176. Patient
177. Patriotic
178. Peaceful
179. Perceptive
180. Personable
181. Persuasive
182. Playful
183. Polished
184. Popular
185. Practical
186. Precise
187. Principled
188. Profound
189. Protective
190. Purposeful
191. Punctual
192. Rational
193. Reflective
194. Relaxed
195. Reliable
196. Realistic
197. Resourceful
198. Respectful
199. Responsible
200. Romantic
201. Secure
202. Self-sufficient
203. Selfless
204. Sensitive
205. Sociable
206. Solid
207. Sophisticated
208. Spontaneous
209. Stable
210. Steady
211. Strong
212. Studious
213. Sweet
214. Sympathetic
215. Thorough
216. Tidy
217. Tolerant
218. Trusting
219. Uncomplaining
220. Understanding
221. Undogmatic
222. Vivacious
223. Warm
224. Well-rounded
225. Wise
226. Witty
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